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For most, you can count on one hand how many people in your life help you positively ‘pivot’ in your career. Tom and Ellie Vogel are two such people in our lives. We were at a point when we wanted to start our own business, mostly for me to run and manage. A dear friend of ours pointed us toward Tom and Ellie. They interviewed us to identify interests, budget, and other factors. Then they came back quickly to us with four franchise ideas that they felt matched our needs. We ended up purchasing a window coverings franchise and ran it for almost 16 years. Our franchise has been a game changer for our household. We have been able to pay for both our kids’ college, have been able to purchase a forested cabin, and have recently sold the business that will set us up for a comfortable retirement. Thank you Tom and Ellie. Both of us appreciate you greatly and would highly recommend your services to others.   “Arizona Client”